FOX19 Sports: Cincinnati's Sports Leader

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Greatest Show on Earth

I have seen the greatest show on earth...and it's called Pearl Jam. I was one of the lucky 18,000 that were in attendance Tuesday night when the best rock band in the world played the greatest venue in the world, Madison Square Garden. I have to be honest, I've had a 16 year love affair with P.J. since the first time I heard Black back in 1992. Their stories and songs are poignant, poetic... perfect. They're comprised of a group of great musicians but the best instrument on the stage rests in the throat of lead singer Eddie Vedder. His beautiful baritone is flawless, never missing a note. And while I don't always agree with Vedder's politics we can agree on something... war sucks. When he sang a song inspired by a wounded war vet that he's recently met, it was as thought-provoking and meaningful as anything ever written or performed by the great activists, including the likes of Guthrie, Dylan or Lennon. It was a two and a half hour marathon that I will never forget. I now have one last Pearl Jam wish. I want to be in Cleveland in 2011 when the world's greatest band is inducted into the world's greatest musical shrine, The Rock And Roll Hall of Fame. So thanks guys for giving me a night I'll never forget.


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